Services & Pricing
- PPedorthic Consult $80
- PDiabetic Foot Assessment $30
- PPosture & Gait Analysis $60
- PPlantar Fascia release $55 per 15 minutes
- PCustom Orthotics $400
- POrthotic Resole $100
- PPerfect Feet Nail Care Initial consult & service $90
- PPerfect Feet Routine Care $70
- PReflexology & Stretching $60
- PShoe Disenfecting (48 hrs) $20 per pair
- PShoe Modifications $20 per pair
All of our shoe prices start at $100 – $500 depending on style, manufacturer and leather components. Most our European comfort shoes are HAND-MADE from places such as Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Israel, Australia, Austria, Hungary and other locations. Socks range from $12-18 with compression ranging from $30-$125. Arch supports range from $30-$100.